Safe House - MOZEK - BRAIN
The acronym MOZEK meaning BRAIN in the Czech language consists of the initial letters of Czech words for Mobile Electronic Security Case. Those words explain themselves that it is a set of elements intended to secure certain area against unauthorised person(s) intrusion and/or fire ignition while the complete unit is easy to carry.
Primarily, MOZEK is intended for construction companies that need to secure the site for certain period of time when and where the construction material, furnishing, expensive instruments or similar stuff are stored. After such a phase of construction work is finished, the device may be easily packed back to the case and moved to another site.
However, there are more areas of MOZEK application than only civil engineering. Because of the rent service availability, the device may be used to secure a temporarily abandoned apartment or a cottage during vacations with minimum cost.
MOZEK can inform of a violation case sending an SMS to one to five pre-set telephone number but besides, it may be connected to a central security desk that would watch the facility 24-hours a day.
If you think our product may be interesting for you and want to learn more, contact our company's sales department.